Thursday, June 23, 2011

My ankle is improving slowly and isn't interfering too much with things I want/need to do. I have to be careful during the dance portions of our training but it certainly enjoyed a soak in the glacial waters of this mountain stream. It was so cold!! We went on an "educational excursion" to a mountain meadow to commune with nature and write about a specific experience as well seek an answer to a question that had been rolling around in our heads. It was a glorious day - warm sun, no bugs and cool green grass to sit in. Yeah....that's what education should look like! Did I get an answer to my question? Yup.

So, the next week contains another set of lectures, discourses and an exam, so not much time for blogging. Just putting one foot in front of the other until that diploma is in my hand and I'm sipping some Italian wine with my cohorts!

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