Friday, July 13, 2007

Saas-Fee, Switzerland is indeed breathtaking. The mountains surround and tower over us, the sky is brilliant blue, the glaciers gleam in the sunlight. Every window box is bursting with intense reds and pinks and there are so many balconies I can't count them all.
My flights connected perfectly, as did my train and bus connections. I was really tired after my 32 hour journey, but rested so well in my Swiss duvet-covered bed that today I am a new woman!
The accommodation is very nice - I'm on the ground floor so my door opens not on to a balcony, but the grass, trees, flowers and that ever-present mountain view.
The train ride from Geneva was like our VIA but longer and the sights were better! I am continually amazed at man's ingenuity, persistence and audacity. You wouldn't believe where some of the houses are perched!! And the rows and tiers of grape vines climbing up hill or mountain sides that would make me dizzy.
My eyes are spinning in their orbs and my neck is getting a kink from so much looking up. I am like a kid in a candy store.
The bus ride was riveting! We traveled switchbacks higher and higher into the Alps, careening around bends where there were no sides - just straight and ever down.
The food is incredible, too. So fresh and beautifully prepared. I am getting a great deal for my money.
School starts tomorrow so today I am exploring the area. Tons of walking as there are no cars here, just funny little electric gizmos that run people, luggage and merchandise around. The walk up (and I do mean UP) to our school is formidible. I will be doing that twice per day. To those of you who know my cottage area it's like hiking up Fred's hill from bottom to top.

1 comment:

jesse said...

sounds like a walk to school that'll accommodate swiss chocolate at every meal! that and from your descriptions of the terrain, you've got me jealous.
i can't wait for the photos to come. keep us posted will ya!
love jesse