Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Well, witht help of a fellow student and my own tenacity, I am able to update the blog and show you my first picture of Saas-Fee.
Every day is a new adventure. And every day brings so much delight and wonder. I have an awesome room mate and now friend. She is helping me with my French, I am helping her with her English. We laugh a lot!
School is challenging and engaging. I have ten other students from around the world (all female) in my class and we are finding the challenges of language interesting, frustrating and sometimes funny.
The town is totally surrounded by these awesome mountains that keep watch both day and night. One evening, Mount Allalin was lit up so brightly that it glowed with a ghostly sheen under a sky so full of stars that I had to wonder if perhaps some tourist promoter had planted them there for our benefit.
The meadows are full of wild lupins, Iceland poppies, blue bells, daisies and a host of other perky little flowers that make for an amazing show against the green, gray and white of the mountains. Today we have a break until 4:00 p.m. so I went hiking up the mountain side marvelling at my actually being here and witnessing such strength and gentleness in one place. The wind is warm, the air clear, the sun blazing and today all is right with the world.

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