Monday, July 21, 2008

Haute cuisine and Swiss Delights

This is the Swiss version of "Haute Cuisine"! It is a popular spot perched high on the mountain side. I didn't eat there as it's VERY expensive, but I did hike by and check out the deck view.

I have only gone on one hike as my energy level has been pretty low for physical exertion, but the desire still pushes me up, up, up! I had a wonderful day wandering the trails and resting long enough to do a small painting beside an incredibly turquoise tiny glacial lake. That is where the butterfly came and rested on my finger. More of his friends arrived later to tickle my legs, arms, and even the top of my head. I don't know what the attraction was, but they were certainly smitten! I also had a staring contest with a very large and neon-coloured dragonfly.

The huge Grandfather larch was a great find. He is perched on the edge of a very steep incline and looks as if he has been there since time began. We had a great visit! I asked if I could speak of him and and was granted permission and an audience!


Anonymous said...

that's so cool about the butterflies! and the dragonfly. sharon thinking of you and looking forward to seeing you when you get back. i'm going offline for awhile beginning probably wed. (july 23) and planning on staying off for about a week. i still have your key as i had to leave some paintings at your house. had an impromptu passenger on my way back who needed a ride to south river to a gig.

jesse said...

sometimes we find friends in unlikely places, n'est pas? it's amazing how friendly creatures can be when they're not conditioned to be scared witless of us noisy humans.