Friday, July 25, 2008

Over the Hump

So, the heat is off, the presentation has been done and now I cant take some time to reflect and rest in the sunshine and warmth that has returned to Saas-Fee. It was an interesting night full of questions and idea exchanges. I have some good material and input for my thesis. It was a lot of work and and a lot of fun puting it all together, but I'm glad it is done!

Now I can put my head in the clouds (quite literally) for awhile and enjoy being in this great space. We have this morning off, and even though it is beautifully sunny and warm, I am enticed by my new ability to add to my blog and be indoors for an hour or so. Then I will leisurely decide what to do with the next few hours before we return to the classroom and study more about the Principles and Practices of Psychotherapy. The approach is a novel one here - very experiencial in its use of the arts as a learning avenue. Works for me!

The skies are amazing, with the mountains piercing them and the clouds snuggling in like batting spilling from an quilt. The mountains look different every day and even from minute to minute. I wish I had the energy to do some more hiking but not today. We are going on an excursion to a glacier on Saturday so I am saving my energy for that.

I am over half way in the academic timetable and am feeling the exertion both physically and mentally. Second year seems a lot more demanding, or maybe being a year older makes more difference than I imagined. Whatever, it is an awesome and fulfilling experience that should pay off in the end with work that excites and supports me - and that's the whole point anyway.

The photo with the umbrellas and flowers is of the patio and lawn where we EGS students eat lunch and dinner. Nice, eh? It's great - food appears, dirty dishes disappear and it happens three times a day! It is usually too cold to eat outside at breakfast, but some hardy souls do anyway.

This is one of the furry beasts that I passed by on my way to school. They have been moved now to another part of town, so I'm glad that I caught this guy on camera when I had the chance. Nice 'do, eh?

On Thursdays there is a street market and most of the stores put out tables and tents to sell their wares. There was one artist making greeting cards and I wondered how well she did for the day. She was very involved in her work and didn't look up when I entered, so I didn't try to chat.


Anonymous said...

hi sharon, there a little bison living in that black bison's head! it's very cute nonetheless.

oh boy swiss chocolate sounds good right about now! been doing a cleanse.

i got you a little gift for allowing me as a house guest. the necklace medicine bag with a turtle painted on it. went to see that artist on manitoulin island ... the one that makes the rattles and paintings.

you look great and happy!!

see you next time on your blog xoxo

Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having a wondeful time!!!


Anonymous said...

so, how was the weekend???
what did you do??

Anonymous said...

hey i just noticed they have pink dogs in ses faa!

Anonymous said...

hey bud...what a great blog ty for sharin sharon
u the best!

jesse said...

that cow looks like a horny george!